
We´ll be active from March 9th to March 19th, from 10 to 160 meters (including Warc bands) on CW, SSB and RTTY with at least 4 stations on the air at the same time.

TX / RX Antennas Amplifiers Others
1 x Icom IC-7000 1 x Hex-Beam 4 x SPE Expert 1.5K-FA Pass Band Filters
2 x Elecraft K3 2 x 5Bands Spiderbeam 1 x SPE Expert 1.3K-FA 5 x Laptop PC
1 x Icom IC-756ProII 1 x Vertical for 30m   4 x aluminium mast
1 x Kenwood TS-590 1 x Vertical for 40m   Win-Test Software
  1 x Vertical for 80m   1 x Pentaplexor
  1 x Inverted “L” for 160m    
  2 x Beverages    

  This might change depending on the local QRM.  
10M 28.024 28.495 -
12M 24.894 24.945 -
15M 21.024 21.295 21.080
17M 18.074 18.145 18.100
20M 14.024 14.195 14.080
30M 10.104 - 10.141
40M 7.004 7.065 / 7.160 -
80M 3.524 3.780 -
160M 1.824 1.845 -

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